General terms of use
The general terms and conditions of sale below are brought to the attention of all in order to place an order, in accordance with the provisions of article L 441-6 of the Commercial Code. Ticking the box dedicated to the acceptance of the general sales conditions during the ordering process implies full, unreserved and irrevocable acceptance of these conditions.
The interpretation of these conditions and their implementation are subject to French law. The French version shall prevail in the event of a dispute, although it is possible that they may be read in another language for the purposes of accessibility.
Article 1 - General
Just Escape is a life-size « escape game » concept (NAF code 9329Z) offered by the company Just Escape SARL with a capital of €10,000, domiciled at 24 - 26 - 28 rue d'Arras, commercial ground floor, 59000 Lille, France, and registered with the Lille Trade and Companies Register (RCS) under number 852 338 169 00026.
The general terms and conditions of sale are applicable to any contract for the provision of a game room concluded between Just Escape SARL and the users of the room, who shall be referred to as « USERS ». Users may have made the booking themselves, or be part of the group of the person who made the booking, hereinafter referred to as « THE BUYER ». These conditions apply whether the booking was made with Just Escape SARL staff or via the company's website, referred to as the « WEBSITE ». The game room made available to the USERS is called the « ROOM ». The contract for making the ROOM available to USERS is referred to as the « CONTRACT ». The game session that the BUYER books is called a « SESSION ». The « ROOMS » correspond to the various areas open to the public of the Just Escape SARL business premises (located at 24 - 26 - 28 rue d'Arras, ground floor, 59000 Lille) in which USERS are authorised to move around.
Just Escape SARL reserves the right to modify all or part of these general conditions of sale as well as the content of its WEBSITE, at its sole discretion, at any time and without prior notice.
These conditions are available on the SITE, where they can be consulted at any time.
Article 2 - ROOM
Just Escape SARL grants USERS the right to occupy the ROOM for a maximum of 60 minutes. Occupying the room is the principle of the game. This game is organised by Just Escape SARL.
USERS agree that their presence in the ROOM is limited to a maximum of 60 minutes, regardless of their level of progress. No compensation will be given if USERS manage to finish the game before the 60 minutes allowed.
Access to the Riddle Room is only possible if you can provide the staff with the name provided during the booking process.
All USERS must be at least 14 years old to enter the ROOM. Minors aged 10 years and over may participate, but must be accompanied by an adult in the ROOM. If there is any doubt about the age of a USER, Just Escape staff may ask for proof of identity.
We invite the USERS of the ROOM to declare any handicap or particular situation that may cause discomfort for the SESSION (non-exhaustive list given by way of example: pregnant woman, asthma, colour blindness, visual defect, claustrophobia, deafness...). USERS are invited to make this declaration as soon as possible, i.e. at the time of booking. Just Escape SARL undertakes to do its utmost to ensure that these disabilities or particular situations are as little inconvenience as possible for USERS.
It is forbidden to enter a ROOM with food or drink without explicit permission.
USERS are not allowed to make video and/or audio recordings in the room. Any recording may result in the complete stoppage of the game for the entire team.
Just Escape SARL reserves the right to refuse access to the PREMISES to any person under the influence of alcohol or drugs, for the safety of that person.
The USERS acknowledge that they have a duty not to damage and to maintain the PREMISES, the ROOM and all the equipment in working order. The USERS acknowledge in the CONTRACT that any intentional or unauthorised damage to the ROOM and its equipment will be subject to a charge. Just Escape SARL reserves the right to interrupt a SESSION in the event that USERS behave in a manner that is deemed dangerous to the integrity of the ROOM and its equipment, at the sole discretion of the staff.
In the event of a breach of the aforementioned conditions, a ban on access or an interruption of the SESSION does not give the right to compensation, indemnity or refund.
Article 3 - Price
The price of the SESSIONS is systematically highlighted to anyone wishing to reserve a room. The single rate is 25€ per USER, or 35€ per USER if only two USERS participate to a SESSION.
Different invoicing will be applied to any other services. When the client books as a company, special conditions freely negotiated by the parties will apply.
Just Escape SARL reserves the right to change its prices at any time. All BUYERS must pay the price in force at the time of booking.
Article 4 - Booking
The SESSION will only be offered if the ROOM has been booked and payment has been made. Payment can be made by credit card on the SITE or on site, or in cash on site.
Reservations are to be made on the SITE and according to the remaining availabilities which are displayed. The reservation is definitively validated after reception of the reservation confirmation email. This email is sent to the BUYER after the payment is completed.
The staff of Just Escape SARL can make the reservation on behalf of the BUYER if the BUYER cannot make the reservation on the SITE.
Just Escape SARL entrusts the management of its payment platform to a service provider specialising in the security of online transactions. This service provider does not keep any data concerning the BUYER in its databases. The SITE is available in French and English. However, in the event of a dispute, only the French version of the SITE and the general terms and conditions of sale may be used against Just Escape SARL.
If USERS are late for a booked SESSION, the ROOM must be vacated at the time specified in the original booking. Just Escape SARL reserves the right to refuse access to USERS who are more than 30 minutes late.
If more USERS show up to participate in the Game SESSION than originally booked, the difference in price must be paid before participating in the Game.
Just Escape SARL reserves the right to refuse any reservation to a BUYER who has not paid for all the services that have been invoiced.
The gift cards are valid for 1 year from the date of purchase and can be used in one go on the SITE.
Gift cards may not be exchanged, resold, refunded, even partially, credited to a card or bank account, or discounted, and may not be returned for cash. Several vouchers or gift coupons may be used on the SITE for the same reservation. Some coupons cannot be combined.
In the event of cancellation of a SESSION booking, Just Escape SARL will offer a credit note without deduction corresponding to the amount paid if the request for cancellation is made at least 7 days before the date of the SESSION. If this is not the case, Just Escape SARL reserves the right not to offer any financial compensation for the cancellation.
Article 5 - Personal data
L'ACHETEUR est entièrement responsable de l'exactitude des informations renseignées lors de la réservation sur le SITE ou auprès du personnel.
The BUYER agrees to receive information and commercial offers from Just Escape SARL to his/her e-mail address by booking a SESSION. If staff offer USERS the opportunity to receive information and commercial offers on their e-mail address, providing this e-mail address in writing constitutes acceptance of this offer.
Just Escape SARL will not pass on these e-mail addresses or any other personal data of the USERS to an external company.
When placing an order, the BUYER provides his or her surname, first name, telephone number, e-mail address, and optionally his or her postal address, as well as the surnames, first names, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of participants to Just Escape SARL. This information will be kept for the maximum period provided for by the RGPD regulations, and will then be deleted in compliance with the same regulations.
USERS have the right to request access to their personal data in order to verify its content and that we process it in accordance with the law. They may also request the correction or completion of their personal data if they are inaccurate. Finally, they may request the deletion of their personal data if it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed.
Article 6 - Fire safety
USERS undertake to comply with all measures communicated orally or posted in the PREMISES regarding security.
Smoking is not permissted in the premises.
All USERS must be aware of the location of the marked emergency exits in the PREMISES and comply with the safety and fire protection instructions. It is of course forbidden to obstruct the emergency exits, which must remain clear at all times. USERS shall use the emergency exits only if the situation requires the evacuation of the PREMISES.
Under no circumstances may USERS bring into the PREMISES and the ROOM any objects considered physically dangerous (explosive, flammable, oxidising, pressurised or liquefied gases, corrosive) or hazardous to health (toxic, corrosive to the skin, irritating/sensitising, carcinogenic/teratogenic).
Article 7 - Photos, cameras, microphones
All LARGE ENCOURAGE ROOMS have cameras and microphones to see and hear USERS. These video and audio streams are not recorded. They allow the staff to follow the SESSION while keeping the USERS immersed, and possibly assist them in their progress.
Outside the rooms, the PREMISES are equipped with surveillance cameras in order to secure the premises (theft, break-in, etc.). This video stream is not recorded when USERS are present in the PREMISES.
Before, during or after the SESSION, USERS may be photographed by Just Escape SARL staff. These photographs will not be captured by the LOCATIONS surveillance and ROOM monitoring devices, but by a dedicated camera. The photographs will be sent to the BUYER by email. Just Escape SARL staff will explicitly ask for the USERS' consent verbally and will remind them of the conditions mentioned above. USERS will be free to refuse to be photographed.